• Tel:(042) 37490768
  • info@phonicsacademia.edu.pk
  • 30-31, Main Boulevard, Block G Sabzazar, Lahore, 54000

Clubs & Societies

After School Clubs (“zero” period activities”)

We believe that children don’t stop learning and having fun when their lessons are over. All year round, they can choose from a wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities, allowing them to pursue long-held interests or learn new skills. From sporting activities to artistic or scientific clubs, our activities are designed to build our children’s aspirations, give them valuable, transferable skills and – most importantly – help them make new friends and have fun. Current Opportunities are available across all ages and year groups including:

Whether continuing working on a design project, rehearsing with the orchestra, practicing for a basketball match or running the Junior Chess Club, there will always be something on offer to engage the pupils and enhance their experiences

Dramatics Society

We regard Dramatics Society as a collective form of art combining a broad range of skills Through engagement in drama, pupils apply their imaginations and draw upon their own personal experiences. Their increasing knowledge and understanding of how the elements of drama work enables them to effectively shape, express and share their ideas, feelings and responses, making use of language, space, symbol, allegory and metaphor. It provides an opportunity for pupils to explore the world and people from other places, times and cultures, and to examine differences and similarities with their own environment.

Phonics Academia (English) Drama Club

Phonics Academia gives you the opportunity to develop skills as theatre makers - actors, directors and designers. It would be a great option to take if you enjoy working practically, are creative and a team player. As well as developing your creative and imaginative skills, the study of Drama will also help develop your analytical, critical and interpretive skills that are vital for this subject and academic study as a whole

Our main goal as a faculty is to awaken the creative thoughts and ideas of our students, to build confidence to perform in front of peers and to critically analyses live performances whilst focusing on the performance itself not the person performing. This focused goal allows us to provide students with the opportunity to develop communication skills as well as promoting self-confidence by allowing students to experience a sense of achievement. Obviously, we also encourage creativity and allow students to explore multifaceted issues in a safe and supportive environment.

Fankaar (Urdu) Drama Club

This club is for students who wish to enhance their Urdu language skills, by organizing dramas, watching Urdu movies, holding sessions regarding diction and acting, reading Urdu monologues and newspapers, ultimately leading to participation in the Drama Festival

Music Mania

The aims of the music club are to foster an enjoyment of music through a balance of composing, performing and appraising activities. Learning about and singing a variety of poems, patriotic songs will help to develop their understanding and social skills. The children learn to play instruments (keyboards, tuned and untoned percussion, as well as any instruments they may be learning to play privately) and sing with increasing confidence, skill, expression and awareness of their own contribution to a group or class performance. They improvise and develop their own musical compositions, in response to a variety of different stimuli; with increasing personal involvement, independence and creativity. They explore their thoughts and feelings through responding physically, intellectually and emotionally to a variety of music from different times and culture. For almost all of the list of activities given below the expertise and facilities will be available on site. For a few we will seek the help and experience of local experts off-campus and, particularly for our charity and community service, we shall engage with the wider community. Depending on demand we shall offer as wide a range of activities as we can and shall expect pupils to add to this list and become involved in the activities program from the outset, not just as participants, but as leaders too.

Phonics Academia Sports Clubs

Phonics Academia Sports Clubs promote a wide variety of athletics and is responsible for organizing in-house, as well as inter-school sporting activities. Sports include throw ball, basketball, cricket, badminton, golf, football, table tennis and boxing. Students may also initiate sports events to raise funds for services.

Phonics Academia Debatable

Phonics Academia Debatable will discuss everything banned in class or at home. Students will bring their ideas, vote on a topic and debate on it.

Successful living

Students will learn about mental health, while educating themselves and others. They will learn to look beyond the illness, strive to listen, understand and tell stories. This group will spread the word, raise awareness for mental health, illnesses and disorders that are often neglected in Pakistan, to make a difference.

Quizzical Society

This society is established primarily to conduct different sessions of quizzes to judge the potential and mind power of participants from different disciplines. The quizzes range from general knowledge, IQ Tests, EQ Tests, and other aptitude tests. The purpose of this society is to encourage student’s participation in various quizzical contests held within or outside the boundaries of university.

Science Club

Science Club enables students to critically think about, design and create their own scientific inventions and work in their field of interest.

Islamic Society

Spreading Peace

Islamic Society as the name suggests present positive image of Islam and tackle the common misconception of Islam. This society educates the students with knowledge of Quran and let students learn Islam without discrimination of Sects. It provides social, academic, spiritual and welfare support to students through regular events and activities which reflects a positive change in them.

Phonics Academia Debating Club

The debate club is the great place for students to explore the art of "organized arguing." Students in debate club tend to enjoy discussing current issues and if they don't already have a strong voice and good presentation skills, they will learn these abilities in a fun, safe club environment. Students learn to create factual/logical, ethical and emotional arguments to persuade others in the club that their "side" is correct. The club uses the formal debate format.

Phonics Academia ESU (English Speaking Union)

Confident communicators, critical thinkers, empowered students

As we realize the fact that in this modern world where English is a global language, the English Speaking Union of Phonics Academia will equip young students with the skills and confidence to articulate their ideas and share them with others using the English language. The society is dedicated to helping people realize their potential through giving them the skills and confidence in communication to articulate their ideas and share them with others.

Phonics Academia Entrepreneur Society

Entrepreneurship society aims to cultivate and equips the students for future. It is intended at benefiting and developing aspiring businessmen and women as it acts as a platform for applying and exercising academic learned skills. It is our goal to educate students/participants in many aspects of entrepreneurship. The society intentions are to provide guidance to aspiring young business leaders to pursue their business ownership dream at undergraduate and postgraduate levels

Robotics Society

Robotics Society of Phonics Academia aims to widen awareness and interest in robotics whilst having a fun time doing so. This club is for hobbyists, enthusiasts or anyone curious about Robotics. Our activities of interest include but not limited to: Robot-building workshops, outreach, competitions and talks.

Gamer's Lounge

Inspiring Fun

This club provides the students an environment to organize and practice online gaming sessions. It provides interested players a chance to learn and master their skills in gaming. This club is recognized to involve the students in gaming competitions and prepare them for various inter-House, school and local tournaments.

Active Mind Club

This club enables the students to polish their hidden talent of social life, promote diversified culture & thoughts in a positive way, familiarize the students about real life scenario and enable the students to compete the outer world to earn the name and fame.