It is the aim of Phonics Academia School that all students upon leaving will be in a position to make confident, informed and reasoned decisions about their futures. The primary aim of career guidance at Phonics Academia is to provide all students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make such decisions about their career paths.
Throughout the Phonics Academia Early Years, Primary & Secondary School, students are encouraged to develop positive characters and a resilient approach to making the correct choices in school and in life.
An introduction to careers through the Moral Education programs is designed to develop self-awareness and for students to learn about the opportunities and responsibilities of adult life including career making decisions.
Students are supported throughout the courses options Process by individual mentors. Through mentor meetings, students are guided in making the appropriate course choices for Key Stage 5 and beyond. Parent information sessions, career fairs and online resources are also strategies Phonics Academia has implemented to support students at this crucial stage of their education. Comprehensive plans are in place that will provide students and parents focused guidance on matriculation course options, Higher Education advice and career pathways.