• Tel:(042) 37490768
  • info@phonicsacademia.edu.pk
  • 30-31, Main Boulevard, Block G Sabzazar, Lahore, 54000

Assessment & Homework

Academic Assessment

Small class sizes, varied opportunities for participation, and a wide array of outlets for pupils to demonstrate what they can do, mean that our teachers build a detailed understanding of each pupil’s development. This is central to supporting successful learning. Our teachers rely on all evidence available to assess our pupils’ progress, and use this to guide pupils through their next steps on the path to success.
Assessment in Phonics Academia therefore does not only mean tests and grades. These are only a small part of the bigger picture we build of each child, to support continual development from Pre-Nursery to Grade 10. Our teachers employ a wide range of age-appropriate techniques to assess the pupils in their care, to identify their strengths and formulate clear targets for focused improvement. Assessment is a continuous dialogue between our teachers and pupils about their performance and the steps they can take to improve.
We provide every pupil with diverse opportunities to demonstrate their skills and understanding. This includes observing classroom interaction and participation, as well as monitoring success in class and homework. Formal testing is introduced gradually as pupils grow older, in preparation for formal examinations in Upper School. Even in formal tests, we diversify beyond the traditional pen and paper methods, allowing pupils to present their understanding in a variety of different means, to reflect the diversity of ways that information is transmitted in the modern world.

Parents are firmly involved in this process.

There is constant dialogue between teachers and parents both on an informal and formal Basis.

Open and transparent feedback allows parents to maintain an overview of their child’s targets for development, and teachers are regularly available to give updates on progress or discuss questions and concerns. Formal parent-teacher consultations take place twice a year and families receive a full written report at the end of the academic year. In the primary school, a mid-year report gives an interim overview of progress, whereas in the Pre-school to Secondary assessment information is issued after ever two-months


Homework is an integral part of the educational program at the school. It complements, supports and reinforces the work that is done in the classroom. Parents are expected to support this policy.
Regular and properly completed homework helps pupils to acquire the valuable habits of independent study, meeting deadlines and presenting effective and well-ordered assignments. These habits are all an important part of their academic development. It is of great value if a pupil can be encouraged to sit down to do his or her homework in a quiet place at a regular time each day. Ideally pupils should complete their homework as soon as possible after they have arrived home. Pupils in Grade 1 to 10 have homework in all the academic subjects that they study. In any week, this amounts to two or three (30-minute) per pieces of homework each evening. Pupils in these years may sometimes also be expected to complete music/art/drama assignments during the week.
Pupils who fail to complete an assigned homework task can be given a homework detention, and pupils are expected to complete any unfinished work during that time.

Remedial Classes

The School provides remedial classes on regular basis considering the children come from different family backgrounds with different living standards. There are children with high learning ability who can grasp quite fast and learn better but there are children who needs frequent guidance and support.


  • To give more help and support for the slow learners
  • To pay individual attention to the low achiever in the class