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  • info@phonicsacademia.edu.pk
  • 30-31, Main Boulevard, Block G Sabzazar, Lahore, 54000

Secondary Information Guide

Welcome from the Head of Secondary

Welcome to Key Stage 4 and 5 at Phonics Academia This booklet contains all the important information we feel you need to know with regards to the Key Stage 4 subjects studied at Phonics Academia. We believe that Key Stage 3 is a crucial time in a student's academic career; students enter Key Stage 4 and 5 having completed their Primary education and leave fully prepared for the rigors of the British and Punjab board curriculum. During Key stage 4 and 5students develop emotionally, cognitively and physically; they mature from young children to young adults ready and prepared to commence their Oxford Books courses. It is, therefore, our job to ensure that these young adults are equipped with the skills, knowledge, understanding and mindset to guarantee a successful transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 & 5. Hence we view this time in a student's educational career as strong foundations for success in Key Stage 4 and above. Our Key Stage 4 & 5 curriculum is both broad and balanced. It provides all students with a wide range of subjects and experiences so that they may find their passions and strengths whilst developing those skills and characteristics evident in the Phonics Academia Core Values and Learning Habits, attributes on which we place a great deal of importance. It is these Core Values and Learning Habits that decide the difference between a good student and an exceptional student and at Phonics Academia our expectation is that all of our students will be exceptional.

About Us

Phonics Academia Secondary is a community of students, parents and staff, and our objective is to unite this team to work towards the common goal of preparing students for their future.The school also makes the most of technology to communicate effectively with parents, giving frequent updates of each child’s progress, and sharing any important learning milestones that students have reached


The learning in Year 7, 8, 9, 10 focuses on furthering understanding and proficiency in the four key skills of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. In reading, students will develop an appreciation of, and ability to comment on, a range of texts, and evaluate how authors achieve their effects through the use of linguistic, structural and presentational devices. They will learn to select and analyses information and ideas, and comment on how these are conveyed. In writing, students will write frequently in a variety of styles, developing creativity in the way they select specific features or expressions to convey effects and to interest the reader. They will learn to express ideas clearly and present them coherently, for a range of purposes.

Key stage 3 – Key stage 4 Transition

The transition from the Primary School to Secondary is a big change and something thatshould not be underestimated. A good transition can make all the difference for settlingin and feeling confidence in the coming year and beyond. A series of activities take place to make the transition to Secondary as smooth as possible.
These include; moving to diaries for homework, taster lessons with Year 7 teachers, meeting Year 7 students to speed grill on issues in Secondary and many more. Our goal is that students come into Year 7 confident with a full understanding of what isexpected.


Reading and writing tasks are assigned twice per month.

  • Formal assessments for speaking and listening, reading and writing are carried out at the end of each half term. The marks are regularly updated on the level trackers kept in students’ workbooks.
  • Students are expected to maintain a frequent wider reading habit which is monitored bytheir class teacher through their reading record
  • Assessment at Key Stage four & five (Year 7-10) is based on learning objectives. This means that the work and ability of pupils is judged against a set of criteria for each subject areas. Pupils are not judged against the work of other pupils. These objectives therefore allow for the learning of pupils to be clearly assessed and also allow teachers and students to set formative targets for individual learning.
  • Assessment tasks are varied to allow all pupils to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills. For example, students are assessed through projects, essays, end of unit tests, presentations and observation. An assessment task may cover different criteria. The core subjects of English, Math’s, Science, Social Studies, and Urdu also have summative tests at the end of each year.

Approaches to Learning

  • Focus on ‘learning how to learn’ by developing skills for research, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and self-management. Teachers work specifically with learners to develop good study habits, team and leadership approaches, and proactive problem-solving skills. Learners explore how to identify and best use their own learning dispositions. It is designed to give learners the tools and confidence they need to be effective, life-long learners.
  • The Key Stage 4 curriculum is based mainly on the Oxford Publishers and Punjab Board but is extended and adapted to suit all abilities and to fit the local environment.


As students move through grades 7-10, they are encouraged to become increasingly independent learners. Greater responsibility is taken for the organization of work both in and out of school. Secondary School students are issued with a homework agenda at the start of each academic year. The agenda is used to record homework each day and as a communication tool for parents and teachers alike. Homework will also be posted online and students are expected to check their class pages daily.

Academic Rigor

Specialist teachers will guide your child through a broad range of subject areas, setting individualized goals and carefully tracking their progress. The depth of study in each area ensures that over the four years of the Secondary School, your child will lay a solid foundation for the rigor of the British curriculum and matriculation programs.

A Gateway to Future

Secondary School Certificate (SSC) is a recognized qualification and is a gateway for acquiring National and International education in colleges and universities in the country and abroad. Phonics Academia Schools offers SSC qualifications which caters to ages ranging from 13 to 15 years and only science combinations (Biology Group, Computer Science Group).

Learning Support Program

Learning Support

Learning Support is provided for those students who need some additional support with their studies, this may be for a short period of time to boost their subject knowledge or it may be over a longer period of time to help develop key skills. These sessions usually take place in small groups and groupings are determined by the needs of the individual students. Learning Support will often target needs in the core subjects (English, Urdu, Math’s and Science) but may sometimes support other curriculum subjects too. Learning Support can also support students with study skills, revision techniques and organization.

SEN Support

SEN support is provided for students with specific and identified needs and is carefully planned to support these needs. SEN support may take place on an individual or group basis and the frequency of this varies depending on the needs of the student. SEN support may take the form of in class support by a specialist Learning Support Assistant or it may be out of class in a group or 1:1 environment.


The school has a dedicated counsellor, who is available to support students on both an appointment and drop in basis. She can support with many issues such as social skills, friendship, anxiety, exam stress, anger management and sleep issues